浏览数量: 509 作者: 本站编辑 发布时间: 2019-09-19 来源: 本站
两年一度的越南国际木业及木工机械展览会(以下简称VietnamWood 2019),9月18日于越南胡志明市西贡会展中心SECC揭开帷幕。刚刚结束的上海国际家具生产设备及木工机械展览会的余温还未散去,南兴装备强势转战越南VietnamWood 2019.
On 18th September, International Woodworking Industrial Fair (VietnamWood 2019 for shot) exhibition starts at Saigon Exhibition & Convention Center (SECC) Ho Chi Minh City in Vietnam yesterday on 18th Sept. Nanxing moved on to VietnamWood 2019 without a stop right after Shanghai CIFF.
作为专业板式家具成套设备及智能解决方案的提供商,南兴装备带来众多热销机型亮相越南VietnamWood 2019,工作人员从软件拆单,开料,封边,打孔到柜体组装的现场展示,更是吸引了许多观众的关注。
As a leadership of panel furniture woodworking machinery and intelligent solutions supplier, Nanxing shows several hot machines at booth E130 in VietnamWood Exhibition, cabinet making on site from design, cutting, edge banding, boring to installing has attracted a lot of visitors.
Only 3 days left, September 18-21, come to visit our booth at E130 for more hightlights.