南兴「明星设备」强势亮相德国汉诺威LIGNA 2019!

浏览数量: 505     作者: 本站编辑     发布时间: 2019-05-28      来源: 本站


     LIGNA, the world's Leading Trade Show for Woodworking and Wood Processing Plant, Machinery and Tools, is held every two years since 1975. The exhibition is un-paralleledin other exhibitions of the world in terms of exhibition scale, number of exhibitors and visitors, as well as authority, professionalism and transaction amount. It also provides a powerful platform for companies to enlarge the international market.


      本届5月27至31日的LIGNA 2019,南兴装备在11号展馆D11有着530平方米超大展位,携八款包括开料,封边,打孔智能化明星设备强势亮相,也可根据客户实际情况现场提供最合适的解决方案,以帮助家具制造商直面当今客户多品种、小批量、快交期、高品质、低价格,个性化定制需求的新挑战。

      At this LIGNA 2019 dated from 27th-31st May, Nanxing Machinery owns a large booth of 530m2 at Hall 11 Stand D11 with 8 sets of star machines including cutting, edge banding and boring, most suitable solution can also be offered on site based on customer’s actual situation to help furniture manufacturers face the new challenges of multiple varieties, small batches, fast delivery, high quality, low price, and personalized customization needs from current customers. 



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      这已是南兴装备第四次参加LIGNA, 仅仅在5月27日展会第一天,南兴装备作为少数参加LIGNA展会的中国木工机械专业制造商之一,就凭借质高价优的设备,提供整厂解决方案的实力及以顾客为核心的服务理念受到了许多展会观众的关注,让来自世界各地观展的家具制造商进一步认识了“中国木工机械智造”。

      This has been the 4th time for Nanxing to participate in LIGNA. On the first day of the exhibition on May 27th, with the cost-effective products, capacity of offering total solution and customer-focused service concept, Nanxing, as one of the few Chinese equipment manufacturer exhibitors which participatedin LIGNA, won much attention of visitors from all over the world so that they learnedmore about intelligent China-made intelligent woodworking machines.


      There is still 4 more days, Nanxing's experts from sales and technology depts will be on hand in Hall 11 Stand 11 just waiting to talk to you about all points that you concern at most. It’s definitely worth a look! Let’s learn more highlights now!


NP330HG 高速电脑裁板锯

High Speed Computer Panel Saw



      8 gripers controlled by 2kw servo motor combined with side alignment and auto adjustable pressure beam make cutting precise and fast. Powerfulsoftware so easy to use, including managing the work process with detailedreports, simulating cutting patterns, showing any error message, printing barcode and many more advantages, also user friendly HMI, making whole machinemuch reliable. 

NCG3021L 木工柔性生产线

AL+UL CNC Nesting Line



      NCG3021L, a CNC machine line made flexibly for cutting and boring, usable for customized orders by furniture companies. Smart machine line completed with auto loading, labeling, top side boring, grooving, cutting panel in line and shape, and unloading. World famous 12kw main spindle.ATC 8 by servo control. Combination of automation, Nanxing Smartech, and Nanxing Infotech in production; open port equipped to link with various international nesting software making processing much optimized, under controlled, well managed, design intended, and data networking included for easy operation.


CNC Machining Center


      NCG4021有着超大台面适合中小批量生产,对不同的订单不同设计进行柔性加工。定制家具生产入门级CNC加工中心,节省空间和成本。进口12KW的高速电主轴, 直线6刀位自动换刀大大节省了换刀时间提高生产效率。

      CNC machine NCG4021 with large working table is suitable for companies which make small or medium volume from various orders even these are mixed designs. Entry level production solution for customized furniture required less occupied area and investment. World famous 12 kw main spindle. Line tool changer 6 helps to reduce time of tool change, enhance productivity.


Auto Edge Banding Return Line+PUR




      Full function edge banding work in just one passage. Dual rail end trimming unit of high effeciency. Fast switch between thin tape and thick tape due to adjustable 2 sets of each fine trimming units and scraping units, resulting shorter setting up time, stable quality, max convenience and higher productivity. Precise corner trimming for better finish and speed. PUR glue with higer waterproofness especially suitable for bathroom furniture. Only one person is required in this return line.

N2508 通过式钻孔中心

Auto Boring Line


      通过式钻孔中心集自动进料、加工和出料于一体,适用于流水线作业,自动化程度高; 双龙门四钻盒,包含了84支垂直钻,16支水平钻,根据需求相互配合; 四钻盒上的刀具可同时加工两件工件,也可同时加工同一件工件。加工灵活高效。与设计拆单软件对接,无需编程和调机,一次上料即可完成四面(工件的上、前、后和左侧)孔位加工。

      Machine completed with auto loading, boring and unloading, suitable for high automation production line. Designed with 2 gantries, 4 boring blocks totally 84 vertical bits and 16 horizontal bits, giving drilling in different combinations to meet highest production requirements.Designed with 2+2 drilling units from both ends, flexibly processing either 1 large panel, or 2 small panels by control. Working with relevant furniture software, even no extra set up work, boring 4 sides in one process (top, left, right, and front side).

NCB2412 六面数控钻孔中心

CNC 6-Sides Boring Machine



       High technology compact machine making possible to drill holes on 6 sides, groove top and bottom, route shapes in one process without necessary of turning panel. Continuous working for various batch sizes and patterns to fit complex production. High accuracy and processing effective, basically no complaints. 

